Automation Builder Leomatic

Leomatic Automation Builder is a PLC programmer for PC-Windows.
The Leomatic PLC integrates all the functions of machine logic and motion control.
The LAB manages the programming, test and diagnostic functions also in run-time, allowing efficient and comfortable work sessions on automatic machines controlled by Leomatic systems.

automation builder - Leomatic software

Automation BuilderHardware and software features

Hardware configuration

The software can be used on any standard Personal Computer (Office or Laptop) running a version of Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Seven.

Software features

The Automation Builder is a complete window on the PNC system and at the same time a powerful and versatile tool in the hands of a technician.
The application presents itself as a fully user-configurable development environment: the work area can be divided into several functional zones, which contain homogeneous context-dependent views.
A "solution" may contain one or more "projects";
a "project" may concern one or more automation "nodes".
(a "node " can be a Leomatic PNC system or a group of Leomatic SYSTEM5 modules).

The left-hand side shows a structured view of the components of the project under development, the right-hand side shows the windowed editing area of the open resources and the bottom side shows the results of the various development phases.